Sometimes we forget that school clothes aren’t just needed in August. Some public schools follow a year-round calendar. Sometimes children grow in December. And, inevitably, that last pair of khakis sprouts a hole on the 15th of May.
Schools are almost out, but children are still growing. As you discover the pants you bought on spring break are already too short, don’t toss them out. Donate them.
Uniforms are needed year-round
School uniform items are among the most frequently requested items by families visiting the Free Store. More than 40 public schools in the Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools system require uniforms for children ranging from pre-K to high school. Many of these schools are attended by high concentrations of low-income families and providing every child with the right color shirts, pants, and accessories for their school can be difficult for families on a tight budget.
You can help
Check your children’s closets. Gently used items can easily find a new home with families who shop here free of charge for essentials like school clothes. All sizes from 4T to adult are welcome, especially husky and plus sizes.
Grab an extra. If your student just hit a growth spurt and you need a few things to carry them over the finish line, grab an extra shirt or pair of khakis for another child who might not have the budget to do the same. There’s even an easy-to-use shopping guide to help you out.
Shop from anywhere. Use the convenient Amazon Wish List to purchase needed items and have them shipped directly to Crisis Assistance Ministry. Your donations will be distributed, free of charge, to families right here in Charlotte-Mecklenburg.
With your help, every child will be “dressed to learn” in their classrooms all year long.