The first day of the new year is the perfect time to reflect and set goals for the upcoming year. This year, you can fill your resolution list with goals that aren’t just good for you, but good for the community as well.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
Create less waste. Among other things, experts recommend reusing clothing and household goods to reduce waste. When these items no longer spark joy, donate them to Crisis Assistance Ministry. These donations ensure that families in need can shop for essentials free-of-charge.
Take time to give back & volunteer. Even though the need for volunteers continues into January, fewer people sign up as the holidays come to a close. We offer a wide variety of activities for the whole family (including kids as young as 5). Find information and registration here.
Educate yourself on the lesser-known aspects of poverty. We have some great blog posts that individually are quick reads, but collectively may offer a more well-rounded insight into poverty in Mecklenburg County.
Practice radical kindness. Understand that everyone around you has a story of struggle and resilience, especially those experiencing poverty. This year, let’s make an effort to lead with kindness and empathy.