For more than a decade, Elevation Outreach has flooded Crisis Assistance Ministry with enthusiastic volunteers willing to go the extra mile. As one of their very first community partners, families served here have continued to witness the joy, selflessness, and deep commitment of these volunteers even as the church’s footprint has grown nationwide.
Recently we talked with Crisis Assistance Ministry’s Adam Cline and Elevation’s Partnerships Outreach Director Chris Everett about what this relationship has meant to Crisis Assistance and the families served here.
While Elevation teams serve in a variety of ways throughout the year, their annual LOVE Week is always a highlight. 2021 was no different as 116 volunteers showed up to help out area families struggling to make ends meet. Their hard work means:
- Donated clothing and household goods have been inspected and prepared for neighbors who shop here, free of charge, for essentials.
- Customers visiting in person throughout the week received nourishing food to keep them going.
- 15 new, fully-assembled dressers will help furnish homes for people moving into stable housing.
Even through their masks, the LOVE shines through these faith partners as they work to prevent homelessness and preserve dignity for struggling families right here in Charlotte-Mecklenburg.