Did you know that 37% of workers in North Carolina make less than $15 per hour?*
Our minimum wage is still $7.25 per hour which adds up to about $15,600 annually. Even $15 an hour only translates to around $31,200 per year.

That harsh reality becomes even starker considering that the average rent in Charlotte is more than $1,400 a month.
Most customers who come to Crisis Assistance Ministry are hardworking people who are doing their best to keep up with expenses but are outpaced by inflation, job loss, or an unexpected financial crisis.
Your donation offers a helping hand by preventing eviction and utility shut-off for these grateful mothers, fathers, and people on the edge. If we can work together to keep people in their homes with water and power, we give them space to regroup and get back on track—reducing the chances of a downward spiral.
You have the power to make a life-changing difference in the life of at least one of the 1.8 million people in our state* doing their best to keep their heads above water.
*Source: Oxfam America

Right now, you can team up with the Merancas Foundation to provide basic needs for those in crisis and empower them to achieve self-sufficiency by joining the Challenge.
All donations up to $500,000 will be matched by the Merancas Foundation to amplify your gifts.
Working together, your gift before April 30th will double your impact and help more neighbors overcome their financial crisis and regain financial stability.