On a cold winter’s night just before Christmas, visions of sugar plums were spotted dancing through Crisis Assistance Ministry’s lobby.
The event, hosted by Adam & Cait Thielen and The Thielen Foundation, honored 20 families who have been served by Crisis Assistance Ministry and have worked hard to rebuild financial stability for themselves and their children.
Inside our lobby filled with holiday joy, families enjoyed festive food and music, grabbed photos with Adam Thielen of the Carolina Panthers, and received:
- Coats for each child attending courtesy of 9 Coats for Kids
- Toys for each child attending provided by the generosity of our community
- A surprise financial gift from The Thielen Foundation equal to an average month’s rent/utilities for families served by the agency ($1650/household)

In sharing the surprise financial gift, Crisis Assistance Ministry CEO Carol Hardison saluted the hard work of each family to persevere through financial crisis and to set and achieve their own goals for future stability.

“It’s an honor to share the generosity of the Thielens with these Charlotte-Mecklenburg families who are doing the hard work to rebuild financial stability for themselves and their children,” said Hardison. “This is truly the holiday spirit at work ensuring that more of our neighbors can enjoy the hope, light, and comfort of the season this year.”