This year’s Giving Tuesday changed lives. We are happy to announce that this is Crisis Assistance Ministry’s second successful year participating in Charlotte’s Giving Tuesday. Crisis Assistance Ministry’s team divided and conquered by simultaneously attending the SHARE Charlotte’s Headquarters Giving Tuesday’s interactive rally for nonprofits and The Greater Charlotte Apartment Association’s Giving Tuesday event where things quickly got interesting, to say the least.
Crisis Assistance Ministry was one of SHARE Charlotte’s 300+ attendees, and were among 45+ interviews on SHARE’s Instagram account, – check it out here!, at Optimist Hall. The now-closed El Thrifty was the space that captured the buzzing atmosphere while partner organizations networked among vendors and large Holiday inflatables. Partners had the opportunity to promote their fundraiser appeals with none other than Jason Harper, morning anchor on Queen City News on a live stream.

Typically, on Giving Tuesday organizations ask for financial donations. But not Crisis Assistance Ministry. Our organization asked for 50 new volunteers to lend a hand during November and December. Although financial donations are always welcomed, these volunteers would help with the influx of warm clothes and household essentials for our customers, ensuring families have access to the donations from the community. This stood out among supporters across the Charlotte Metro area and perhaps online.
On the other side of town, the Crisis Assistance Ministry team were active participants in The Greater Charlotte Apartment Association’s (GCAA) Giving Tuesday telethon. This live-streamed event allowed viewers to spend their morning doing yoga, listening to live music, and watching an Elf read The Grinch. A few folks got tattoos and at least one person shaved all of their hair off at the end of the day. There was also lots of pie.
Speaking of pie, the overall pie fiasco consisted of someone sitting for 30 minutes in the “pie chair;” which was elegantly placed in front of a white barrier for easy cleanup. Each $25 donation received equaled one pie to the face. Yes, that’s right, one pie per $25 donation. This event was the perfect combination of crazy and spontaneous.

The donation goal was $50,000. All the proceeds donated through GoFundMe would be directed to a local nonprofit. The large goal of $50K was met and will help our neighbors remain stably housed. Be on the look out to see what Team GCAA has in store for next year’s event.