Being served with a summons to eviction court is panic inducing. If you or someone you know receives court papers like the one below, the best advice is to stay calm, learn the process, and know your rights.

Being served with a summons to eviction court is panic inducing. If you or someone you know receives court papers like the one below, the best advice is to stay calm, learn the process, and know your rights.
“You gave me hope when I had none. And when you’re struggling like I am, hope means everything.” That’s how William describes his visit to Crisis Assistance Ministry while trying to get through the devastating impacts of renal disease, job loss, and a neglectful landlord.
For the first time, the community has access to local-level details of where, why, and how tenants are evicted in Mecklenburg County. Inspired by the award-winning book, Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, and author Matthew Desmond’s visit here last year, UNC Charlotte’s Urban Institute set out to study eviction at the local level.
A Few Thousand Dollars: Sparking Prosperity for Everyone. Author and Prosperity Now founder Bob Friedman makes the case for a revised tax code that could fund a universal savings program in order to close the racial wealth divide in America.
You get home from work and are greeted with a padlock on your door. You panic. Where is your daughter who stays home alone after school? Where will you sleep tonight?