It’s a recurrent question: where can my high school student volunteer and meet school community service requirements? How can my teen get involved? Where can I volunteer with my whole family?
At Crisis Assistance Ministry, teens are encouraged to bring their energy and enthusiasm to help stabilize their neighbors. Teens aged 16+ can volunteer in select roles independently, and children aged 10 to 16 can serve with a supervising adult.
How Can A School Uniform Improve Housing Stability?
Families across Charlotte are scrambling to prepare their children for school as summer winds down. Over 40 schools in Charlotte require uniforms, largely those with high concentrations of poverty, which leaves many families struggling to find and afford quality uniforms for their children. You can help by contributing new and gently used items right now.
Celebrating Volunteers
Nearly every day, volunteers share their time and their energy to support of Crisis Assistance Ministry’s critical mission: to provide assistance and advocacy for people in financial crisis, helping them move toward self-sufficiency. During National Volunteer Appreciation Week, and every week, we salute every neighbor who pitches in to strengthen this community in priceless ways.