Gifts of Stock

Gifts of stock to Crisis Assistance Ministry are gifts of help, hope, and understanding for our neighbors struggling with limited financial resources.

From parents being able to provide life's necessities for their children, to senior citizens remaining stably housed with utilities intact, to individuals facing a reduction in work hours receiving the support they need during a critical time . . .  your financial investment can become an investment in the lives of others.

Additional benefits are also available to you as a giver of stock.
For example:

  • You may reduce or avoid capital gains tax.
  • For stocks held more than one year, you may receive a charitable income tax deduction equal to the full current fair market value, up to the overall amount allowed by the IRS.
  • For appreciated securities held long-term, the donation you make and the deduction you receive are greater than they would be if you were to sell the shares and donate the cash proceeds instead.

Please consult your tax or financial advisor for additional information.

To make a gift of stock:

Click the button below to initiate your gift through our partner DonateStock:
