
By the Numbers

fiscal year ending June 30, 2024

Individuals Served

More than 44,318 individuals were served in person or through local partnerships. 


Average Financial Assistance per Emergency

On average, a family received $677 in rent and/or utility assistance.


Children Benefiting from Our Services

Children under 18 made up 41% of those benefiting from Crisis Assistance Ministry services. 

Possibilities for Families Like Sierra’s

Imagine what it feels like for a mom to wonder if her children will have a place to call home tomorrow.

Picture a father’s unimaginably difficult choices when the rent is due, the power bill is lagging, and children need clothes to start school.

For too many in our community, these scenarios are all too real.

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George’s Story: You Are Not Alone

George might have returned from deployment to a home with no heat, no lights—maybe even no home at all. As a young dad facing a financial crisis and tough decisions, he found help and hope at Crisis Assistance Ministry through the support of our community.

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The Real Meaning of Hope, Warmth, & Light

Hope. Warmth. Light. What do these words really mean? What happens when they are taken away? Joe’Asia knows that fear, but she’s now able to share warmth with her family thanks to the help of neighbors like you.

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One Easy Thing You Can Do To Help Families In Need This Holiday Season

It’s hard enough to make ends meet at any time of the year. But during the holiday season? Not only is it harder, but it’s also disheartening.

When you have mouths to feed, bills to pay, and little ones to clothe and keep warm, trying to manage it all during the busiest time of year seems impossible.

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Here’s What You Make Possible

It’s not too late to make stories like the one Carol shares here possible. You won’t need to attend a big gala, hire a babysitter, or order an Uber. Instead, make a direct contribution to help stabilize nearby families facing a financial crisis.

Your gift will help hardworking neighbors escape the threat of eviction or loss of utilities while empowering families with the resources to stabilize their families . . . and their future.

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Summer Adventures Made Possible By You

Antonio and Angel were among 50+ local youngsters who headed off to traditional summer camp or college exploration camp this summer with the help of the community.  Wayfinders, a local nonprofit organization, funds summer activities for these students and matches them with year-round mentors from fourth grade through high school graduation. On their journey, they carried an array of clothing, toiletries, blankets, and other essentials found during a special shopping day at Crisis Assistance Ministry’s Free Store.

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Free Clothing, Household Goods, Appliances Distributed

Mecklenburg County residents received more than 1.6 million items free-of-charge.


Value of Free Clothing, Household Goods, & Appliances

More than 6.3 million items were distributed at a value of nearly five million dollars.


Amount of Every Dollar Allocated toward Programs

More than 92 cents of every dollar donated directly supports services for our neighbors in need.

Preventing evictions. Preserving dignity.

Since 1975, Crisis Assistance Ministry has been here to meet families’ most basic needs, addressing challenges brought by the community’s explosive growth and economic transition. 

By keeping families in their homes with utilities flowing, we stabilize housing for low-wage earners struggling to make ends meet in an otherwise thriving metropolitan area.  

By providing clothing, shoes, household items, and appliances at no cost, customers can divert limited financial resources toward essential bills.

By empowering customers to set personal goals and address the factors that contributed to their financial crisis, through regular meetings with a caseworker, families are able to rebuild financial stability and pursue economic mobility.  

By educating the community about the realities of poverty and lack of economic mobility, we put a face on the problem, serving as a voice for those served.


Average Customer Income

Families receiving financial assistance earned an average gross monthly income of $2,042 compared to $6,697, the average median income for Mecklenburg County. 


Customer Income Obligated to Rent, Utilities

On average, customers seeking assistance had 64% of their income obligated to pay rent and utilities.


Emergency Housing Assistance

Your generosity enabled families in need to receive $3,973,576 in emergency rent assistance.