Emergency Financial Assistance



Emergency Financial Assistance

Rent and utility assistance for short-term financial emergencies is available in-person for low-income Mecklenburg County residents at 500-A Spratt St, Monday - Friday beginning at 10:00 a.m.

Please review the list of documents you will need to bring to apply. You must live in Mecklenburg County to apply.

Phone: (704) 371-3001

Lobby Hours:
Monday-Friday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Excepting holidays and scheduled closures

500-A Spratt St., Charlotte, NC 28206
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What You Need to Provide

Low income residents of Mecklenburg County may be eligible for short-term assistance here.
You will need to provide legible copies of the following along with your application:

  • Picture ID of the person applying for financial assistance.
  • Social Security documentation for all household members: Social Security (SS) card, documentation from the SS Administration, W2 form from an employer, paystub with a complete SS number, or W7 if applicable. If you are not registered with the SS Administration, you must provide some form of ID.
  • Proof of household income over the past 30 days for all residents including earned and unearned income. Include all paystubs received by any household members during this period. If anyone receives unemployment, SSI, SSA, VA benefits, retirement pension, child support, disability payments, or income from any other source, you must provide verification of that income.
  • Past due utility bills or disconnection notices in the name of an adult who resides at that address, if applying for utility assistance.
  • Past due rent notices or court documents, if applying for rental assistance.
  • Rental lease to verify your residence if you are seeking rent assistance.

Please print or copy documents that show complete name, mailing address, dates, and amounts. We cannot guarantee the return of original documents. Any missing items will require follow-up before your request can be considered.

How the Process Works

Financial Assistance applications are accepted beginning at 10:00 a.m., Monday through Friday. 

You will be asked to complete an application and consent form and provide the supporting documents listed above.

When you submit your application, you will be asked to wait for a staff member to review your application with you, verify documentation, and enter your details into our database. 

On some days, more people may be seeking assistance than can be served that day. Depending on the urgency of your situation, you may be asked to return on a different day.

Once your application is complete and entered into our system, you are free to return to work or home and await a follow-up call from a caseworker to assess your situation and determine if you qualify for assistance. In some cases, other resources in the community may be most helpful. Our staff is trained to help steer you in the right direction based on your individual needs.

Caseworkers will follow up by phone, beginning with the most urgent requests, to discuss your situation and determine your eligibility for assistance. Depending on the nature of your emergency, it may be a week before you get a call. The most urgent needs are those who have already had their utilities disconnected or are already locked out of their home following an eviction order.

While you are waiting, explore every resource available to you to address your financial need. During your phone assessment, you will be asked what amount you can contribute, in addition to any financial assistance that is approved, toward your past due balance. Still, there is no guarantee you will receive financial assistance. Typically, customers will be asked to provide some portion of a rent balance even if assistance is provided.

We prioritize cases to address the most immediate critical needs first, just like an emergency room. But you won’t have to sit in our waiting room until you meet with a caseworker to assess your needs. You can read about this process here.

Our goal is to address people at imminent risk of eviction or disconnection first, and so on.

  • For example, people with utilities already disconnected or scheduled for disconnection today are served before those who have a later date or a past due notice without a disconnection date.
  • Similarly, those facing court-ordered eviction are addressed before those with a late notice for rent who have not been to court.

Our caseworkers are trained to understand many different challenges and to help you stay housed, keep your utilities on, and plan to avoid a future financial crisis. You and your caseworker may discuss different options that could help you after your assessment interview.

If assistance is awarded, a check is issued directly to your utility vendor, landlord, or clerk of court.

Unable to Apply In Person?

If you are in need of emergency rent or utility assistance and are unable to apply in person, please contact our Financial Assistance team between 10 am and 4 pm by calling 704.371.3001, option 0, to discuss an online option.

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